We appreciate you posting on r/Slutsofonlyfans, but unfortunately your submission was removed(hidden) from this subreddit because a direct link to your content page was not detected as a comment. The link must point to the platform and not a link shortener or collection site. Your post still exists, but it was just hidden from view. All you need to do is add your content link as a comment to your submission and the bot(me) will approve your post within a few minutes.
**Important! Please add your link as a comment to the main submission and not as a comment to this message**.
I am looking for links pointing to the following content sites – **onlyfans.com**. Onlyfans trial links are not recognized.
Please contact the moderators if your submission has not been unhidden after *30 minutes of commenting your content link.
*Please note that I will no longer be checking this submission after 12 hours and you will need to resubmit*.
Greetings u/gabiii_carter!
We appreciate you posting on r/Slutsofonlyfans, but unfortunately your submission was removed(hidden) from this subreddit because a direct link to your content page was not detected as a comment. The link must point to the platform and not a link shortener or collection site. Your post still exists, but it was just hidden from view. All you need to do is add your content link as a comment to your submission and the bot(me) will approve your post within a few minutes.
**Important! Please add your link as a comment to the main submission and not as a comment to this message**.
I am looking for links pointing to the following content sites – **onlyfans.com**. Onlyfans trial links are not recognized.
Please contact the moderators if your submission has not been unhidden after *30 minutes of commenting your content link.
*Please note that I will no longer be checking this submission after 12 hours and you will need to resubmit*.